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Presenting in Chicago on the effect of VR storytelling on user news evaluation.
Presenting in Washington on the effect of chatbot small talk on user evaluation.
Presenting in Prague on user motivations behind creating fake Instagram accounts.
Presenting in Salt Lake on the effect of similarity cues on user self-evaluation..

Here are places I have travelled to present my research ✈️ 🌍. I love attending conferences. You can learn about the latest UXR practices and tools and showcase your communication skills!

What got you into UXR?

As an avid player of the role-playing game Maplestory, I couldn't help but notice how the tiniest tweaks to the virtual world profoundly impacted my emotions and behaviour. For example, a simple colour change in my favourite avatar's sword made me happy for a month! The game motivated me to pursue psychology and HCI to understand why and how such technological changes impact people. Along the way, I developed another strong passion – promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in my research. 

What are your strenghts?

My strength includes storytelling. Having taught 5 HCI classes and given 20+ research presentations, I've honed my skill to craft engaging narratives to captivate diverse audiences. I am also an excellent team player. I enjoy empathizing with my team members and providing unwavering support to ensure our collective success.

What are your values?

I strongly believe in continuous learning and constantly seek new challenges and ways to improve. Currently, I find great joy in data visualization using R and Tableau. My other core value is curiosity. I'm eager to explore and integrate various research areas into my work to create wholesome user experiences. At the moment, I am learning about the implication of users' cultural backgrounds in shaping their experience with digital products. 

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