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Fancy seeing you here.


I am Jin, a mixed-methods researcher with 7+ yrs of experience. My expertise is in uncovering psychological, emotional, and cognitive factors that influence people’s actions and motives. I utilize human-centred design principles and statistical and experimental methods to design and evaluate interactive technologies that can promote positive well-being in users of all abilities. I leverage these skillsets, in combination with survey research methodology, to deliver high-impact research insights! 


Currently a research associate @ Creative Interactions Lab


Some projects are password-protected. If I have applied for a job with you, you will have the password from my private resume. Or drop me a line to get the password :).

I am well-versed in


User Research • Co-design • A/B Testing • Attitudinal & Behavioural • Prototyping

Uncovering the learning needs of visually impaired board game players and identifying design features for the voiced-based personal assistant Alexa that can support the players' board game rule learning.

Co-designing with visually impaired music players to design haptic technology that can support their music learning.

User Research • Co-design • Bodystorming • Attitudinal • Prototyping

User Research • Interviews • Longitudinal Survey • Attitudinal & Behavioural 

Understanding program stakeholders’ needs in an accessibility training program and restructuring the program to support the needs. 

Experimental Research • Survey Research • Inferential Statistics • Data Visualization • Theory Testing  

In these projects, I drew from HCI and social psychology theories to prototype digital technologies and examine the effect of prototyped digital technologies on users. 


Case Study 4. Designing a chatbot to support the social inclusion of students with vision impairment

Identifying barriers that exclude visually impaired students from engaging in meaningful social interaction in class and co-designing a chatbot design that can make the students feel included by their instructors and peers who are sighted. 

User Research • Co-design • Storyboard • Attitudinal & Behavioural  


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